Become a Member
Join us Today!
The Shawnigan Cobble Hill Farmers Institute and Agricultural Society (Farmers Institute) welcomes the participation of members of the community. Whether you live in Cobble Hill, Shawnigan Lake, Mill Bay or elsewhere in Cowichan, please join us and add your voice and knowledge to our organization!
Although our focus is on agriculture and ensuring the agricultural industry remains a vibrant part of our community, we also hold other interests in common with the south Cowichan region.
Your $10.00 annual membership will help support the Farmers Institute and, as a member, will include:
- Membership and voting privilege at our General and Annual General Meetings
- Invitations to events hosted by the Farmers Institute
- Emails and newsletters keeping you informed on our activities
- A voice on local community issues that impact residents
- Involvement in your community
Membership is important. Be informed, get involved and join us today!

Lifetime Members
From time to time, the Farmer Institute recognizes individuals from the community whose contribution to the health and well-being of those living in the south Cowichan area is deserving of praise. To be recognized, the individual or group needs to be affiliated with the Farmers Institute and, through his or her activities, promotes the objectives and values of the Farmers Institute as well as contribute to our rural agricultural lifestyle.
The following individuals are Lifetime Members of the Farmers Institute:
- Jessie Anderson
- Margaret Baird
- Cobble Hill Legion – Branch 226
- Marian Davies
- Gord Dickenson
- Gerry Giles
- John & Claudia McLeod
- Al McMaster
- Nellie Poelman
- Romey Pringle
- Dave & Shirley Thomson